Dr. Tom Chittenden, a GIGA Society Fellow with over 25 years of experience in experimental and theoretical research, leads scientific operations for BullFrog AI. He holds an Honorary Professorship of AI in Biomedicine at the Digital Environment Research Institute, Queen Mary University of London.

Over the past decade, Tom has led AI-driven R&D initiatives targeting a range of diseases including cardiovascular disease, cancer, COVID-19, NASH, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s. His focus includes quantum machine learning, exascale causal AI computing, systems biology, and in-silico phenotype projection to decipher cellular behavior and advance drug discovery and development.

  • Lecturer on Pediatrics in the Division of Genetics and Genomics, Boston Children’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School.
  • Visiting Lecturer in the Department of Biological Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
  • Published in top-tier scientific journals, including Nature and Science.
  • Chief Scientific Officer and President of R&D at BioAI Health.
  • Chief Technology Officer and President of AI R&D at HiberCell.
  • Chief Technology Officer, President, and Founding Director of the Genuity AI Research Institute at Genuity Science.
  • Chairman, President, and Chief Scientist at the Complex Biological Systems Alliance.
  • BIG AI Excellence Award Winner in 2021.
  • Top 100 Pioneer in Drug Discovery and Advanced Healthcare by Deep Knowledge Analytics and Forbes Magazine, 2019.

Prof. Chittenden is globally recognized as a leading authority in causal AI/SciML within the biomedical sciences. An Accredited Professional Statistician™ with the American Statistical Association, he holds a PhD in Molecular Cell Biology and Biotechnology from Virginia Tech and a DPhil in Computational Statistics from the University of Oxford.

His postdoctoral training encompasses:

  • Experimental investigations in molecular and cellular cardiology at the Dartmouth Medical School.
  • Biostatistics and computational biology at the Dana‐Farber Cancer Institute and the Harvard School of Public Health.
  • Computational statistics and statistical machine learning at the University of Oxford.

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